Website Maintenance Plan

Your Site’s Peace of Mind.

That’s Transparence’s Website Maintenance & Security Plan

We created our website maintenance & security plan to protect our clients sites from getting hacked. We take on the stress of making sure your site is protected, maintained, backed up and secure.

Our clients can choose to sign up for our monthly website maintenance services. In the rare occurrence of a breach while on our plan, we will work quickly to make sure your site is restored to full-health and put all additional security measures in place to avoid a future breach STAT.

1. Updates & Optimization

We keep your site updated, maintained, cleaned and running smooth.

2. Monitoring and Protection

Your site is monitored and protected from spam, malware and other evil internet forces.

3. Backups & Restore Points

Your site is backed up weekly in multiple locations and can be restored at any time.

4. Monthly Reports

We send you a monthly report of your page views, site traffic and more.

Transparence Maintenance & Security Plan

Starting at $300/mo*

Includes up to two hours every month to take care of any quick website updates you might have.

*$350/mo for a site we didn’t build.

What if my site gets hacked while on the plan?

If your site should get compromised while you’re on the plan – we’ll take care of cleaning the site and ensure your website is back up within 24 hours.

Are there setup and cancellation fees?

Never a cost to leave.

If we are building or redesigning your site; there is no setup fee if you are joining our maintenance program straight away as part of the project.

If it’s been more than six months since we built your site or if you have made changes to the site since we built it within those six months, there is a $199 setup fee.

If we didn’t build your site the setup fee starts at $199. Contact us to get a setup fee quote.

What if I decide to pass on the plan?

If you decide to decline our maintenance plan, there’s a lot that can go wrong. Here are the top reasons I recommend you make sure your website is maintained:

  • The site’s tools, plugins, themes and WordPress itself will quickly go out of date which is the #1 leading cause of website hacks. It’s incredibly important to keep ALL your website tools and plugins up-to-date.
  • You’ll have no backups or restore points so if the site get hacked or breached, you could lose all your content, pages and Google ranking.
    You won’t get a monthly report overviewing your site traffic, page views, etc.
  • Most importantly, you won’t have Transparence as your trusted webmaster to assist you with quick updates, tweaks, website issues, etc. Often you’ll have to try getting a hold of your hosting company for any assistance.